Practice Core LeaderMom Skills this Thanksgiving

Here are a a half dozen ways ways to practice LeaderMom skills at Thanksgiving. We suggest you pick one or two and put 5-10 minutes of attention on the topic each day for the new few weeks.

  1. When, where and how do I trust at work enough to let go and experience success? What enables that?

  2. Scan the Priorities and Sharing the load report, particularly the delegation headaches. Which do I experience and what one piece of advice from the report will I put into action?

  3. In the last few months, who has offered feedback or input that has made me a better leader? How will I express appreciation and demonstrate a growth mindset?

  4. Who is someone with whom I share my wins and moments of feeling awesome? Make a note to continue to do that (or to start if I'm not yet doing it).

  5. Who is someone I rely on for support or have asked for help when I was having a challenging moment (or day or week get it)? Make a note to continue to do that and to express appreciation (or to start if I'm not yet doing it).

  6. Imagine a really nice but less than perfect holiday. What is most important to me? Then huddle with the family and ask them the same. As I get clearer this week about what is really important, how will I engage the team at home to make that happen?

Kaitlin Hershey